Yesterday I was completely in awe of nature. Not only had the clouds looked stunning when I arrived back home after work – the sky was bright blue and the fluffy clouds in front of the sun had grey in the middle but bright white halos around them, looking almost cinematic in some way – but I then drove up to Ipswich to visit my parents and on the drive back, the clouds were even more amazing: deep oranges, reds and pinks as the setting sun cast its glow onto them. Then I discovered that the route I had chosen to go back was closed off, which was rather annoying to begin with as it meant doing a massive detour; however, to use a well-worn cliché, every cloud has a silver lining, and my detour meant I drove through beautiful fields out in the country and got to experience the beauty of the sky for even longer. At one point I wanted to stop the car and just stand on the side of the road, marveling at this glowing red/orange ball hanging just above the horizon and spreading its warmth across the landscape and into the clouds, which were just spectacular (who says you have to go abroad to witness such amazing sunsets?!).
Magical moon
And then as I rounded a corner, something else took my breath away: a large, fulsome, bright white moon, also low in the sky! It sounds corny but I always smile when I see the moon – I can’t help it. I feel very attached to it, in some weird way, and just love to gaze up at it endlessly. It really is a spontaneous, happy feeling that arises when I see it, especially if it is full and low on the horizon.
Later that evening, I stood outside in the quiet night, bathed in the moonlight, which was lightning up the surrounding trees and gardens almost as if someone had a torch shining, such was its intensity (must remember to put my white crystals out tonight if it’s cloudless again). In the past I have sat outside and looked up at the moon for at least half an hour when it was surrounded by the biggest, brightest halo I’ve ever seen. I just get transfixed by it, and have to be careful when I can see it as I’m driving along, not to look too long but to pay attention to the road!
Then, this morning, I woke early to see the first rays of the rising sun shining onto the trees outside, so I got up to go for a walk. You can tell autumn is on its way due to a crispness in the air, but with a cloudless, clear blue sky and fresh air on my skin, I felt so invigorated, and so did a few of my chi gung exercises. I felt so grateful to be living in such a beautiful part of the world.
Nature really is the most awesome thing; I realised too, that all my ‘higher consciousness’ experiences – of which there have been three in my life to date, that I can recall – have all been while out in nature, alone. It’s something I would urge everyone to do, on a regular basis, as it can make you feel so much better about life, the universe, and everything.
And for more information on the moon and its phases, check out Soul&Spirit this month as you can find out what times are most conducive to certain activities, such as climbing the career ladder, resolving conflict, or moving on from a relationship. On sale now in Tesco, Sainsbury, ASDA, WHSmith and all good newsagents.
What Katy Louise Did...
- Katy Louise
- Katy Louise writes about health, wealth, happiness and relationships, and the spiritual insights she gains along her path. She is currently editor of Top Sante magazine ( Prior to that she was editor of Bodyfit magazine (now Your Fitness and the launch editor of Soul&Spirit magazine ( Katy is also a certified Fitsteps and STOTT Pilates instructor. She is the go-to girl for all matters relating to health, wellbeing and spirituality.
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