What Katy Louise Did...

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Katy Louise writes about health, wealth, happiness and relationships, and the spiritual insights she gains along her path. She is currently editor of Top Sante magazine (www.topsante.co.uk). Prior to that she was editor of Bodyfit magazine (now Your Fitness www.yourfitnesstoday.com) and the launch editor of Soul&Spirit magazine (www.soulandspiritmagazine.com). Katy is also a certified Fitsteps and STOTT Pilates instructor. She is the go-to girl for all matters relating to health, wellbeing and spirituality.

Friday, 21 December 2012

A truly alternative Christmas and New Year

So, we're all still here then! I did actually go and stand outside of work at the appointed time - 11.11am - to have a little look at the sun, which was masked with light clouds, purely to absorb the moment and how the sun was at its lowest point. I also sent positive thoughts and intentions 'out there' as Doreen Virtue once told me 11s were a sign to focus on positivity and be aware of your thoughts (for they indeed become true).

This Sunday I'll be heading off on my ten-day Vipassana retreat, meaning I'll have no contact with the outside world for the entire time, including no phone, email - nothing. What's worse, for me, is we're not even permitted to read or write. I'm not sure how I'll get on with that, as I like to make a note of literally every piece of inspiration as soon as it strikes, so as not to forget, or any piece of wisdom so I can recall it later. But no, we can;t even do that. The whole point of the course is to just be as we are, to sit with ourselves and finally get to still the mind, and mine will no doubt fight tooth and nail and rail against the enforced curtailment of all external stimuli. But I know I need it. With work feeling like a barrage of emails, people wanting you to reply to things you haven't even had a chance to read, and hardly enough time to even think, I just knew this was the right time to do this course.

I'm hoping when I return I'll be all zen and Buddha-like: calm, contemplative, non-reactive. But as a wise friend of mine told me, it's probably best I go with no expectations at all, otherwise I could only end up disappointed. So, now all I have to do is go and pack. I'll not be needing make-up, party clothes, nice shoes. Participants are advised to dress modestly, and with no tight, revealing clothing so as to cause a distraction to the opposite sex! Well, part of the reason I'm going there is I want to be away from all distractions from the opposite sex, so there's no worries on that front; I'll be in my slouch jogging bottoms, massive chunky cardies and hoodie tops with not a scrap of make-up on, which is pretty much how I chill out at home anyway.

So, this is probably my last blog post for this year (unless I feel so inspired to write having watched tomorrow's Strictly Come Dancing final). I want to thank all of you who have followed my blog this year and I'll report back on how I feel after the silent retreat upon my return. 2012 has certainly been one of the busiest, and most fun years over all for me, what with dancing in salsa shows, at the Notting Hill carnival, the Thames Festival, and, of course, in the London Olympic Games closing ceremony. I've got some brilliant memories, and now it's time to go process it all and take time out from the craziness. I wish you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.

Katy x

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