What Katy Louise Did...

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Katy Louise writes about health, wealth, happiness and relationships, and the spiritual insights she gains along her path. She is currently editor of Top Sante magazine (www.topsante.co.uk). Prior to that she was editor of Bodyfit magazine (now Your Fitness www.yourfitnesstoday.com) and the launch editor of Soul&Spirit magazine (www.soulandspiritmagazine.com). Katy is also a certified Fitsteps and STOTT Pilates instructor. She is the go-to girl for all matters relating to health, wellbeing and spirituality.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Total eclipse of the Moon

LUNAR ALERT! Make sure you set your alarms early tomorrow, for there is to be fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event taking place: a full lunar eclipse. But what makes it all the more magical is that not only is tomorrow a full moon, but it is also the pagan festival of Yule – also known as the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year).
Having just spoken to Suzanne, my Pagan friend who works in the ads department on Soul&Spirit, I am informed that the whole day will be infused with extra energy, making it the perfect time to do affirmations, put in cosmic orders, and cast any spells. Pagans will be celebrating this day anyway, as the darkest point in winter, but the lunar eclipse makes it extra special.

According to the fantastic webpage http://earthsky.org (click on the ‘tonight’ link) “There won’t be a total lunar eclipse this far north on the sky’s dome until December 21, 2485”. Here is what else the page says: “…this eclipse is happening almost simultaneously with the December solstice … when the sun will be southernmost for this year. Remember, a totally eclipsed full moon has to lie exactly opposite the sun. The winter sun rides low to the south now, as it crosses the sky each day. So this December full moon is far to the north on the sky’s dome. It rides high in the sky – much like the June solstice sun.”

In England, the partial eclipse will begin at 6.33am and the total eclipse will be at 7.41am. It will last for around 72 minutes. If you live elsewhere in the world, check out the website http://earthsky.org/tonight to find out times for you. I just hope it isn’t cloudy, as the snow clouds have been obscuring the sky for most of this week! But even if we can’t see it, we can still all work with the extra ‘cosmic’ energy and send out positive intentions for ourselves and others around the world.

Visit http://earthsky.org. Also, the fabulous January bumper edition of Soul&Spirit is now on sale! Don’t; miss out, as it contains a crystal bracelet, angel charm, crystal card deck, spiritual 2011 calendar, and psychic development CD along with lots of other free send-away offers (just need to pay postage). Visit www.soulandspiritmagazine.com

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