What Katy Louise Did...

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Katy Louise writes about health, wealth, happiness and relationships, and the spiritual insights she gains along her path. She is currently editor of Top Sante magazine (www.topsante.co.uk). Prior to that she was editor of Bodyfit magazine (now Your Fitness www.yourfitnesstoday.com) and the launch editor of Soul&Spirit magazine (www.soulandspiritmagazine.com). Katy is also a certified Fitsteps and STOTT Pilates instructor. She is the go-to girl for all matters relating to health, wellbeing and spirituality.

Thursday, 7 October 2010


No, I’m not hyphenating that word to make it sound all Craig-Revel Horwood on Strictly (A-ma-zing) but because I’ve just had a fantastic spiritual insight about how to become more abundant, which I want to share with you. But first, I need to talk a bit about today, and how I came to my ‘interesting’ new insight….
Today had a mystical energy about it. There was a huge contrast from the previous grey and gloomy days, in that today it was bright, sunny and almost spring-like (at least here in Colchester). There was a smell in the air that reminded me of being a child at home at my parents’ house. It felt fresh and new. More vibrant than the previous days this week. And perhaps there was a different energy as today was the day of the new moon, or the ‘dark moon’ as the Pagans call it.

New moon affirmations
I’ve never really been one to do spells and affirmations (shame on you, I hear you cry, as I work for a spiritual magazine!) but today I happened to read Joylina Goodings’ email update, mentioning that because it is a new moon today, it’s a great time to write yourself an abundance cheque. So I thought, hey, why not. I logged on to her site (joylina.com) and followed the steps. Firstly I made myself a ‘cheque’ out of an old envelope, and in the Pay section I wrote my name, then in the other blank bits wrote ‘paid in full’ as per Joylina’s instructions. Finally I signed it ‘Law of abundance’. You are also not to date it.
I’d also decided to create a little ritual around this, as Joylina says you create more positive energy and intent this way, and intention is the key. So I lit some incense, and found myself some objects to represent abundance: one, a piece of citrine, which is the stone said to be associated with financial abundance, and secondly, two paper weight hearts – one red and one pink – to represent abundance in love. I lit two tiny candles and placed my ‘abundance cheque’ in between them, on top of which I placed the objects. Oh, and I also had a large money plant on the table too, which had been going all limp and crusty of late as I had neglected to water it, but which I had rescued and revived for the past week or so.
And then I cried. I had not expected this part. My intention had been to fill myself with positive thoughts for now and the future, not to cry over the past. But I found my mind wandering to recent events, and also to my family in their home for some reason, and wanting to surround them, and my ex boyfriend, with loving energy. As I envisaged this, I could not help but shed some tears. Tears of sadness but also tears of a new strength; to move forward with trust and faith in the universe to take me to wherever and whoever will be best for me. I cannot know the future – despite the many people who claim to read futures I still believe it’s 50/50 destiny and free choice – so I put my faith into the abundance cheque to deliver prosperity, not just in financial terms but in love, health, happiness, peace, creativity, fulfilment, etc. For abundance can be delivered in multiple ways. I imagined myself walking forward on a path, with the past slipping away down a cliff side as I progressed, meaning there was no turning back, and that if I did turn back I too would fall down the cliff! A bit severe, I know, but it seemed to do the trick. And what better time to do this than on a new moon – the representation of a brand new cycle.

Dancing and cakes
And as I opened my eyes and glanced at the cheque, I noticed something interesting that had never before occurred to me: the word abundance is made up of a, bun, and dance. Well, I love to dance and I love buns – what a great combination! I always say I will do more dancing, so perhaps this is the first place to start on my abundance – to bring more dancing and joy into my life. And as for the buns, maybe it’s time to buy a pinny and go all Nigella Lawson (or maybe that new girl Gizzi Erskine, the one who looks like Audrey Hepburn) and become a domestic goddess. A dancing domestic goddess!!! I’m not sure where this is all leading me, but it just came to me as I was relaxing after my little abundance ritual, and I wanted to share it with you. So next time you want more abundance in your life, try some cake and dancing, though perhaps not together or you’ll get indigestion! A-bun-dance. There you have it – the secret to a happy life indeed.

The October issue of Soul&Spirit is on sale now in all good supermarkets and independent newsagents.

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